Satya Roosens

Shiatsu therapist
In 2014 Satya found the path to the authentic and traditional shiatsu education in Brussels with Sensei Yuichi Kawada (Japan) and has completed this course at the Yoseido Academy.
Satya uses her experience of moving as a dancer in combination with traditional shiatsu techniques. She has developed a fascination to treat dancers and sportsmen and women.
Also Satya has specialized herself in massaging pregnant women, the post-natal phase and other woman complaints like menstruation, menopause, fertility problems, miscarriage. This is treated by relaxation of body and mind, so the energy can flow to the spot where there is a dis-balance.
Satya did several ‘Well mother’ workshops with Véronique van Outrive, following the methods of Susan Yates. This was aimed to give shiatsu to women in their pregnancy and their growing baby. Satya is a strong believer that shiatsu can contribute to the condition of mother and baby. She also specialized herself in the post-natal phase, menstrual complaints, fertility problems and menopause. The female body goes through several transformations in life. Shiatsu can make these changes and phases, smoother and easier to go through.