Liza Beneux

Teacher Wobbel gymnastics - children
For many years, Liza Beneux has enthusiastically taught water addiction and swimming lessons at Begijntjesbad in Overijse. When the pool closed for renovations, she and her three-year-old son were looking for a new active hobby. She wanted to do something with him. This search turned out not to be taken for granted. Few activities were available for young children and when they existed, toddlers were expected tot participate without their parents.
She attends an introduction wobbel gymnastics session togheter and were immediately convinced. In August 2019, Liza herself attended the teachers' workshop at wobbel gymnastics and since then she has given workshops and series of wobbel gymnastics to toddlers and preschoolers in Hoeilaart and Overijse.
Young children's sense of security is essential, which is why, depending on their age, she more or less involve parents in the lessons she gives.
Other work experience
In the meantime, a wobble board is standard standing in her living room and her garden changes every now and then into a real playing and climbing course with various boards. Suze, her youngest daughter (born in 2018), also likes to participate in these games with some help from her husband Geert.